Twitter CEO Elon Musk announced another upcoming innovation. According to him, the social network will soon begin to pay users for the most “successful” tweets. True, at first glance, the proposal had an unexpected pitfall.
In a recent tweet, Musk stated that content creators would be able to earn a portion of ad revenue simply by posting unique tweets. The more successful the post, and the more responses it gets, the more money its creator will earn. Every time someone opens a post and scrolls down the page, the author of the post will be credited with an ad impression, says 4PDA.
The businessman has not yet shared detailed information about how this mechanism will work with the audience. Therefore, it is not known exactly what percentage of the income will go to users, and how they will find out the number of “credited” impressions of the record.
NIX Solutions adds that however, the billionaire made it clear that before receiving income, the user must first pay themself. In particular, the feature will only be available to those who have a Twitter Blue subscription and a verified account status (blue checkmark) – all of which require a monthly subscription fee.