You can now mention another account or add geolocation to Instagram Stories when typing, says Postium.
It works as follows. When you click on the add text button in the upper right corner, an input panel opens at the bottom. Two buttons “Mention” and “Location” appeared above it.
To mention a person in a story, we press the corresponding button and the social network offers us accounts for marking, you can also type them manually.
To add a location, also click on it and go to a new window. On the page that opens, you can select one of the nearest places or add geolocation to the story from the search.
The geolocation will be displayed in the same way as if you had added it using a sticker. But when adding a location while typing, the sticker has fewer styling options.
To be fair, it should be said that mentioning with the help of text in a story has worked before, therefore, in fact, only adding geolocation when entering text is a novelty, notes NIXSolutions.