NIX Solutions: Twitter Loses Content Moderator Again

The Twitter reshuffle and cuts reached their most active phase shortly after the acquisition of the social network by Elon Musk at the end of October last year. This week it became known about the resignation of Ella Irwin, head of security and content moderation. This is the second head of Twitter to leave the post since November last year.

NIX Solutions

Irwin’s predecessor in this position until last November was Yoel Roth, and Irwin herself was considered one of the closest to Elon Musk in the structure of Twitter. The fight against disinformation and hate speech on the pages of the social network was one of the main tasks of Ella Irwin. It also had to restore the trust of advertisers, whose number after the purchase of Twitter by Musk last fall fell sharply, halving the company’s core revenues.

The recent appointment of Linda Iaccarino as CEO of Twitter had an impact on Ella Irwin’s resignation, although the exact extent of this impact is unknown. Irwin does not state the reasons for his departure from the company, but confirms the personnel changes that have taken place. The name of a possible successor to this position is also not called, notes NIX Solutions. In general, Musk’s unfriendly practice of communicating with the press by the Twitter administration forces the latter to receive information about the company’s activities from third-party sources, which is sometimes accompanied by a delay.