Meta is taking its own approach to Telegram channels using Instagram channels, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said.
Thanks to the new format, creators will be able to share texts, photos, videos, voice messages and polls with followers. Subscribers will be able to respond to messages with emoticons and vote in polls, just like in Telegram.
Zuckerberg’s channel will be a place where he will share “news and updates about all the products and technologies we’re building at Meta.”
Channels will initially be available only on Instagram, but will eventually appear on Messenger and Facebook, says MMR.
The feature is currently being tested by some creators, including snowboarder Chloe Kim and blogger Valkyrae. Meta has a waiting list for this feature, but it’s already full. The update only works on mobile devices.
Users can launch a channel from their Instagram inbox and pin the channel link to their profile to make it easier for others to join. Channels can be open to all subscribers, or be paid.
The new channels can be a very useful new tool for creators to share updates with their community, notes NIX Solutions. And given the general uncertainty about what’s happening on Twitter, a new text mode that’s easily accessible to Instagram’s audience could be a relief for creators.