NIXsolutions: Instagram Testing Close Friends-Only Feed Feature

Instagram users have long complained about the impersonal nature of the social network, largely attributed to its algorithmic feed. Developers are addressing this concern by introducing a feature that offers users more control over their content sharing. Instagram is currently testing a feature that allows users to share posts within their feed exclusively with their “Close Friends” group.

NIX Solutions

Global Testing Underway

This new feature has recently become available to a select group of Instagram users. While the company has confirmed its testing phase, they have not disclosed the specific countries where the feature is being trialed. A representative from Meta Platforms, the parent company of Instagram, stated, “We are testing the ability to share posts in the feed with your close friends in some countries. We are always exploring new ways to facilitate expression and communication within our Instagram community.”

Reducing the Need for “Finsta”

Once this friends-only feed feature is universally accessible, the necessity for additional “finsta” accounts, commonly used for private interactions, is expected to diminish. Instagram had previously introduced the option to share Stories with friends in 2018. A year later, they attempted to implement a group chat feature for “close friends” through the Threads application (unrelated to the social network launched this year). However, this concept faced limited success, leading to the discontinuation of the Threads app in 2021, notes NIXsolutions. In late 2022, Instagram launched Notes, enabling users to share text messages with friends. Over time, Notes expanded its capabilities to include music sharing, a translation feature, and a location-sharing tool, further enriching the user experience on the platform.