NIX Solutions: Impact of Facebook Deactivation Explored

A study published in Royal Society Open Science reveals that deactivating a Facebook account may slightly improve well-being but can reduce users’ political awareness.

Key Findings from the 2022 Experiment

The experiment, conducted during the 2022 French presidential election, involved 1,117 participants who voluntarily deactivated their Facebook accounts. Their well-being and political awareness were compared with 1,129 participants who continued using the platform.

NIX Solutions

Researchers discovered that participants who left Facebook experienced a modest improvement in mood and well-being. However, these individuals demonstrated a decline in their awareness of ongoing political events, in contrast to those who remained active on the social network. Interestingly, the study found that the levels of political and social polarization stayed consistent between both groups, regardless of Facebook usage, notes NIX Solutions.

Limited Impact of Politeness Campaign

The study also tested the influence of sending polite and open-minded behavior reminders to participants through informational messages. However, the messages showed no noticeable effect on how participants interacted on social media.


The experiment highlights the mixed outcomes of social media use—while platforms like Facebook can affect psychological well-being, they are also crucial for staying informed on political issues. We’ll keep you updated on further developments regarding these insights.